Uganda 2022 – Return to Uganda

In 2019, Medical Missions Foundation celebrated 10 years of mission trips to Uganda. The following two years, because of a global pandemic, we were prevented from reaching those in need of critical medical services. Finally, in 2022, we were able to return to Uganda.
As my first time traveling with our Uganda team, I am completely overwhelmed by the complexity of the logistics involved in putting this, or any of our other missions together. I know much of the hard work put into planning for our missions from the perspective of our Missions Support expert, Sulamita, who collects credentials, passport and visa information, making and changing flight arrangements and so much more, while putting out fires in all planning.
I see the passion from our dedicated Uganda mission directors, Brandon Pomeroy, Mark Shields and Pepper Card. Brandon, so eager to pack his surgical schedule with as many procedures as he can. Mark, making the arrangements for all local transport of people and luggage, while being the ambassador for our team. Pepper, with so much heart, putting thousands of hours into packing supplies, making arrangements with local medical staff and ensuring everything goes as planned in Gulu.
And none of this can be done without the commitment of all the volunteers on this mission. Doctors, nurses and nonmedical people who have donated their time and money to travel 26 and a half hours in flights and airports, then seven hours in non-airconditioned busses, separated from family and friends for ten days, to travel to this wonderful place called Gulu.

I have met some of the local angels who take care of the patients everyday of St Mary’s Hospital Locor. One of which, Sister Rose, who welcomed me as if we had always been best friends. And, when we arrived at the hospital, our team was greeted by the nursings staff, with the sweetest song and parade into the hospital.
I am so excited to see what this trip will bring. To see our amazing Uganda team in action, changing the lives of these kind people.