Uganda 2015 – Message from Fred

I would like to share some blog time with a young man that worked as a translator with our art team during our mission in Uganda. Let me introduce you to Fred Wokorach.
I am Wokorach Fred Lukwiya a 24 years old student currently in the final year of study pursuing Bachelor of Science in Computer Science(BCS) from Gulu University in Gulu(Uganda).I hailed from Lugore Village, Owalo Parish, Palaro Sub-County in Aswa County Gulu District in the northern part of Uganda. Coming from a family whose lives were disillusioned by the over 20 years LRA insurgency In Northern Uganda, I would like to share my experience with Medical Mission Foundation trip 2015 in Gulu (Uganda).
My experience working with Medical Mission Foundation for the first time as a translator was great and memorable. From the first day at the hotel clinic to the last day at Lacor Hospital, I got the impression for having worked with highly talented, much more enriched and valuable people whose passion, desire, dedication and motivation to help save lives in my community recovering from the war was immeasurable and whose value I had come to admire and learn from. I felt very blessed because of the positive contribution of the team in rehabilitation of the health status of my people. As statistics states, 191 surgeries from Lacor Hospital and Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, 985 patients seen at Patiko Health Centre III and Cwero Health Centre III in just 4½ days of work, Med Missions FDN has done a very tremendous and wonderful job worth mentioning since most people in my community cannot afford to pay for better medical services. The dance party organized at the burn unit also offered a great sign of care and relieve to the patients.
The mission also provided me with an opportunity to discover and meet new interesting friends whose dream and vision I admired. We also shared several different aspects of our society including the culture, social life and many others. Indeed it was a better platform for me to learn about United States of America (USA) as a country and that gave me the desire to work hard to transform and make an impact in my community.
Even though I got many positive experiences in the mission, I would also like to highlight the painful experience encountered. On the final day at the clinic, many patients who were left unseen. Therefore I would request your team to organize the mission for at least a period of one week so that many more people are seen in the next upcoming trip.
Finally, I would like to congratulate the organizers for this years’ mission trip from both USA and here in Uganda particularly Hon. Okumu Ronald Reagan, Member of Parliament Aswa County in Gulu District for foreseeing the suffering of our own people. I also appreciate the 2015 team and the translators for their outstanding and tireless efforts and contribution extended to help us in this healing process. Lastly, in a very special way I congratulate, appreciate and acknowledge the positive contribution of the following team members whom I worked with during this years’ mission for the constant love, advice and encouragement given to me through sharing their personal life experiences and providing an avenue of hope to me: Mr. Mark Shields, Andrew Ostlie, Mr. David Dvorak, Mrs. Glenda Arganbright, Mrs. Monica Reinert and Miss Erin Langley. May God bless you all. Thanks