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Uganda 2018 – A Good Place to Be

Perpetually upbeat and talented, it’s hard to believe that this is her first mission with Medical Mission Foundation. A PICU nurse at Children’s Mercy, she came highly recommended by previous mission participants. Olivia Pennington credits much of her energy on the fact that she works the night shift back home. That and the fan app on her phone. Whatever it is she took the eight hour time change in stride.


Livi was nervous about the different skill set that would be needed in the PACU and said that the first day was a steep learning curve. She’s used to longer relationships with her patients but quickly adapted to the rapid turnover. Not to mention the fact that the majority of the surgical patients have been elderly men, not tiny babies.


Whether starting IVs on infants, feeding goldfish crackers to poor farmers, or decorating volunteer’s lanyards and patient gowns with animal stickers, Livi’s smile and positive attitude have been a perfect addition to the PACU team this year. Other members of the team include veterans Meredith Jackson and Lou Brady and first timers Katherine King and Ally Spier, who have has handled everything thrown at them with grace, kindness, and an occasional spontaneous song.


Lacor surgical patients are in great hands with these five ladies.



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