India 2019 – Photo Gallery
“Find your gift and give it away”. That quote has been the inspiration for Medical Missions Foundation operating room nurse Teresa Von Hagel during her several missions to India. Our

India 2019 – You Can’t Just Take
I’ve always thought of Americans as some of the most compassionate people in the world. I still think that. But the community of volunteers in Bhopal is something special.
India 2019 – We Can All Help Someone
By looking at 12-year old Nisha Singh, a slight child with a wide smile, you wouldn’t guess she’s been walking around with a golf-ball sized stone in her bladder. I
India 2019 – Our Future Is Bright
The future of Medical Missions Foundation is here. Literally here in Bhopal, India. Medical Missions brought two surgical residents on this trip for some specific and strategic reasons.
India 2019 – The Adventure Begins
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with
India 2019 – Namaste
The traditional greeting of India literally means the divine in me recognizes the divine in you. Our team in India will be saying that a lot in the coming week.