Philippines 2023 – Day 6

We arrive at the hospital at about 7:30am. Our surgeons did rounds to check on their patients. Everyone is recovering well.

8:43 AM
Danielle prepped Dr Aylward’s first patient – cleft lip reconstruction on a 1 year old boy. Mom stayed in the room until he was put under anesthesia.

Surgery took 2.5 hours.
Dr. Aylward wants to see him again next year to finish the case. Merlita translated and explained to the boys parents this case would take a few surgeries to fully repair the cleft lip. They seemed a little disappointed we could do more but we did what we could, which to them didn’t seem much but this case was pretty complex. Dr Aylward had to suture three layers. We aren’t exactly where we want this case to be but it’s what we can do with the short week we are here.

12:11 PM
Dr Talboy and resident Garima are performing a total thyroid on 57 year old female who was beyond thankful to have us there. She had a gift waiting to give to Dr. Talboy and Garima before we took her back to the OR.

After waking up from anesthesia she wanted to know the names of our surgeons; and asked for reassurance her they received her gift. The Philippines surgeons told her they would have to remove her goiter and take medicine for the rest of her life. When Dr Talboy and resident Garima said they only had to remove one thyroid gland and she would not need medicine for the rest of her life she began to cry in great relief and was very thankful.

6:06 PM
Our team arrived at the hotel from the final case of the day. Shoutout to to our PACU
a team (Keila Busch, Dee Reed , and Kay Johnston), and Denice Morrison (RN) and Stephanie Jones (CRNA) who stayed to assist Dr Aylward.

After today , we all have a bigger grip of roles, where supplies are, and processes. We are looking forward to another great day tomorrow. Our week is quickly coming to an end.