  • info@MedicalMissionsFoundation.org
  • 913 338 0343

Labor of Love

Some of our team members with us on our mission this week may be joining us in Antigua for the first time, but are not by any means inexperienced missionaries.

Building Relationships

Dr. Terry Chaffee and his wife, Becca, have been involved with Medical Missions Foundation for six years.  Terry is on Team Anesthesiology and Becca coordinates the Art Team ambassadors.  On a

Write On!

Meet Micah, the Medical Scribe for Team Urology.  At home in Oklahoma, Micah works double duty as a barista at Second Wind coffee shop in Norman, and as a Medical

Gracious Guatemalans

The people of Guatemala have given our team such a warm welcome into their country. Yesterday afternoon a patient returned to the hospital to personally give one of our urologists,

OR Buzz

The OR is a beehive of activity.  The surgical teams completed over 40 cases on Monday, about 20 cases on Tuesday, and at least that many today.  Our 25 tonsillectomy

Let’s Hear It For Audiology!

The Audiology team is joined by five students and five interpreters from Berkeley City College interpretation program.  The team sees children, adolescents and adults.  Many of the adults have a hearing