  • info@MedicalMissionsFoundation.org
  • 913 338 0343

Romania 2015 – Day 1

The team got to the train station safely, loaded the bus, checked in, and grabbed a quick breakfast and set off to work immediately. The luggage truck made it too,

Return to Romania – 2015

Each mission has such different surroundings yet the purpose is the same, to find Health for those seeking our support. The Romanian mission is underway and old friends are reconnecting

Taking the Plunge

Medical Missions Foundation conducted its first local mission on Friday, July 31st, 2015 at St. Therese Little Flower. Urban Plunge, a day of free screenings for low-income Kansas City children

Sharing the Love

Here are two links to videos made at Las Obras.  We wanted to share the love.  The  wheelchair dance move melts my heart every time I watch it.  ¡Disfrútenlos!  

¡Muchas Gracias!

We would like to thank our wonderful trip coordinators Pam and Deb Nicklaus. They have organized this mission for the past five years and kept everything running smoothly. They are