  • info@MedicalMissionsFoundation.org
  • 913 338 0343

It Starts With One

Joel patiently waiting

Joel patiently waiting

Everyday amazing things happen as a result of a simple gesture. As our team began to unload supplies at Lacor Hospital, a young man watched and listened as our team refreshed their memory of how to use the Ugandan language. The young man giggled at the way we struggled as we worked through basic Ugandan phrases and were not quickly mastering it all. Soon he stepped in to help with both the language lesson and the unloading of equipment.


We quickly learned his name was Joel. He had heard an ad on the radio about an American medical team arriving soon and was there to seek medical help at Lacor Hospital. While he was waiting, he thought it would be polite to lend a hand to unload the truck. He had no idea he was helping the medical team that he had heard in that radio ad. After a little probing Dr. Lisa Heath learned of his medical condition and need for surgery.


Joel had lost his parents three years and ago and could not afford to finish school since he now tends to his siblings. The team was captivated by his personality and politeness and it was clear to all he was going to be our number 1, our first surgery. Joel had saved 1000 schilling, which is about $.60 US. All surgical procedures and medicine are covered by the Medical Missions Foundation but the hospital does like a small admission fee.


Joe Dietrick, CRNA with Joel in Pre OP

Joe Dietrick, CRNA with Joel in Pre OP

Joel’s surgery went great and he will heal quickly. His simple gesture of volunteering to help our team resulted in a reward bigger than he could have ever imagined. It started with surgery in the morning and the day finished with the opportunity for Joel to become a translator for our team. His English is impeccable and he has become an inspiration for all of us.


It takes just one person to make a difference. Imagine what your support has done for the Medical Missions Foundation and those needing help around the world. It starts with one donation, one hour of volunteering or one “Share” of our message to a friend. Take time to make a difference in the life of someone today when you least expect it your life will be changed forever.


Joel 2014_3