  • info@MedicalMissionsFoundation.org
  • 913 338 0343

Gracious Guatemalans

The people of Guatemala have given our team such a warm welcome into their country. Yesterday afternoon a patient returned to the hospital to personally give one of our urologists,

OR Buzz

The OR is a beehive of activity.  The surgical teams completed over 40 cases on Monday, about 20 cases on Tuesday, and at least that many today.  Our 25 tonsillectomy

Let’s Hear It For Audiology!

The Audiology team is joined by five students and five interpreters from Berkeley City College interpretation program.  The team sees children, adolescents and adults.  Many of the adults have a hearing

Volunteer Vets

Although our team has many new members on our mission this year, several volunteers are returning again from multiple years of experience. Kelsey Cole returns for her fourth trip and

Residents of Las Obras

Meet Wendy!  Wendy is a resident at Las Obras and gave our team a very warm welcome on our tour of the hospital today. Wendy has lived at the hospital

Meet Our Students

Today the operating rooms were up and running at full capacity.  The Funniest Scrubs Contest  is now underway!  Because this mission is known as the teaching trip, surgeons have medical

Small but Mighty

Our Medical Missions Foundation Mali mission team was small, but our close collaboration with our partners in Dr. Oumar’s hospital means we worked as one unified and powerful team. This