  • info@MedicalMissionsFoundation.org
  • 913 338 0343

Philippines 2015

In February of 2015, Medical Missions Foundation partnered with World Outreach Foundation and several Philippines’ based organizations to complete a mission at Ormoc District Hospital in Leyte.   A 40

Uganda 2015 – Day 5

The most powerful part of this blog are not the words I write. The photographs tell the story here as they do on all of our missions. We (and especially

Uganda 2015 – Day 4

In the course of a mission, the stories are many. More often than not, they are told at end of the day over dinner and a beer or two. Sometimes,

Uganda 2015 – Day 3

The women do most of the work in Uganda, including preparing food, making clothing, fetching water and firewood and caring for the elderly and the orphaned. These women are like