  • info@MedicalMissionsFoundation.org
  • 913 338 0343

Uganda 2016 – A day in the OR

The Pre-op/PACU is the busiest location at St. Mary’s Lacor. Jeni Arganbright, Lauren Cooper and Anne LeRoy are mission veterans. Izzy Allegrezza, Hannah Ross, and Chantal Sperry are the rookies

Uganda 2016 – First Day

Medical Missions Foundation is amazing. We are one of a handful of organizations that count surgeons among our volunteer team. Our surgeons, nurses, anesthesia providers and surgical technologists will staff

Uganda 2016 – Travel Day

The Medical Missions Foundation 2016 mission to Uganda officially starts on Sunday, September 11th. The preparation to get to this moment began last year at the end of the 2015

Romania 2016 – Day 5

Our final day in Botosani ends as fast as it begins. We distribute any leftover supplies and medication in preparation for the long road home. With only half day on