Antigua 2023 – Blog 3

When I first got to the hospital we started unpacking all of the bags of medical supplies. We went out into the lobby to play with the kids and they were all so kind and very respectful. We colored, made bracelets, blew bubbles, and did various other fun things. On the second day there were less kids waiting there so I got into scrubs and went to watch some of the surgeries.
They were all very cool to watch and I learned a lot of new things. I went into PACU to go see some of the patients who had just gotten out of surgery. We gave the kids stuffed animals and other toys which they all were very thankful for. We also gave older men hats which they were appreciative for.
After working in the hospital every day I got to go out and explore the beautiful town. There were so many cool stores and a ton of delicious food.